Knit VS Woven Fabrics


Fabrics are categorized as knit or woven. The main difference between knit and woven fabrics is how they are constructed. Lets take a more in-depth dive.

Knit Fabric:

A knit fabric is made up of a single yarn, looped continuously to produce a braided effect. It will stretch and then return back to original state. Some examples are bathing suits, leggings, and t-shirts.


Woven Fabric:

A woven fabrics is made on a loom in which multiple yarns are interlaced as they cross at right angles to each other.



Here are a few at home test you can try:

  • Look for loops or grain

    • In knit fabric one continuous yarn is looped repeatedly to create what looks like tiny rows of braids.

    • In woven fabric multiple yarns cross each other at right angles to form the grain, like a basket.

  • Apply the stretch test

    • When knit fabric is stretched along its width, it will stretch significantly. Along its length, it will stretch slightly. If a knit fabric is stretched excessively, a run may form.

    • Most woven fabrics can’t stretch along the lengthwise grain (the length of the fabric), and there is minimal give along the crosswise grain (the width of the fabric). It stretches along the diagonal.

  • Check the wrinkle resistance

    • When you ball up a knit in your hand, it will crush easily. When you release it, the fabric will spring back into shape with few, if any, wrinkles.

    • When you wad up a woven fabric, it usually wrinkles easily.

Jessica Braun